Top Ten Modeling Tips for Aspiring Models from A-Class Models - KDM

Below are a comprehensive list of classified Top Ten Modeling Tips for Aspiring Models

1. Whether you’re just starting out as a model or you’re an experienced pro, you should always feel comfortable modeling. Before any shoot, you should either have a phone call or a sit-down meeting (in a public place) with your photographer to discuss the shoot.
Always always always bring an escort to a photo shoot. The majority of photographers should feel comfortable with this providing that your escort keeps their distance and doesn’t interfere. If a photographer insists you come alone, simply don’t go. Safety should always come first.

2. Do your research before working with ANYONE. Make sure they are credible and professional. Check references. You should also make sure their work is up to your standards and will portray you in a way that you want to be portrayed.

3. Always be prepared and come on-time to your photo shoots. This is extremely important in setting the right tone for the shoot. Typically, money is on the line and you don’t want the photographer, client, and the rest of the crew frustrated at you from the get-go. Shoots typically are a lot more successful when there is a good vibe all-around.

4. Communication is key! You never want to show up to a shoot when you and your photographer are not on the same page; it can cause unnecessary tension if you have different expectations. If you are NOT okay with lingerie, implied, nude, etc, make that 100% clear so there is no confusion. Be aware that your body, your photos, and your portfolio is your brand. If you’re not comfortable with nude or implied, it should be respected. Do not let anyone try to sway you with money.

5. Know the poses for the genre of your shoot. Poses can be quite different in each genre of photography. For example, glamour poses are quite different from fashion poses. Practice in front of a mirror. Your preparation can make all the difference on whether the photographer decides to work with you again. You can find a number of posing guides online and in books to help you prepare.

6. Networking- the more people you know in the industry, the more likely you are of finding work or being discovered. Always keep an eye out for new agents, photographers, or other pros in the modeling industry. Reach out to others and compliment them on their work, inquire about working with them, and so forth. Most importantly, follow up . Following up is key to keeping yourself fresh in the minds of others, which in turn will keep you at the head of the line for job opportunities.

7. Know the ins and outs of your industry. Just like about any other profession, the more you know, the more you’re worth. So read up on everything you can and listen to other pros in the industry. Know the names of agencies, photographers, designers, and other industry influencers. Know what’s trending. Know what things cost and how much others are being paid for their work. Become a student of your profession and you will find yourself ever more confident and successful.

8. Arrange your portfolio with your favorite 6-12 professional photos. By using 6-12 photos, you can show multiple looks but still keep it simple. Get feedback from photographers or agents on what to include and what to take out. Remember to only showcase your best work. A good rule of thumb is to always have quality over quantity.

9. Don’t be afraid to knock down doors! Going into agencies during an open call is a great way to get noticed and get feedback. Always ask for honest feedback on your portfolio. If you are turned away, don’t get discouraged. Different agencies are looking for different looks. You will probably hear multiple no’s before you hear a yes.

10. Social media is huge for agencies right now. Agencies such as IMG are conducting social media scouting with the hashtag #WLYG.
Ford Model Management does “Fresh Face Friday” where you can submit a selfie for a chance to be scouted.
 Many agencies also include on their Instagram pages where they’ll be scouting. Following agencies is a great way to stay informed with what they’re looking for and where they’re looking.

Courtesy of Alpha Dynasty Models. a.k.a A-Class Models


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